Monday 22 June 2009

Palm Pre Can Now be Upgraded to WebOS 1.0.3

WebOS 1.0.3 updates is available now, with changes to the Google contact sync, calendar and emails. The updates file can be done over-the-air from your Palm Pre, a 13 MB file will need to be downloaded before you proceed with the process. Check out the change log inside

Feature changes to existing applications


* Events created in your Google calendar – either in Calendar on your phone or in Google online – that contain a symbol or accented character in the event name can now synchronize. Previously, including a symbol or accented character in an event name prevented the event from synchronizing.
* Changes made to Google events on the phone now sync with Google online within a few minutes.
* The sync interval for Google events has been decreased from every few hours to every 15 minutes.


* If you create a weekday alarm on a weekend, the alarm sounds only on weekdays. Previously the alarm would sound on the weekend also.


* Changes made to Google contacts on the phone now sync with Google online within a few minutes.
* The sync interval for Google contacts has been decreased from every few hours to every 15 minutes.


* Power performance in areas where wireless coverage is sporadic or unavailable has been enhanced.
* Non-SSL Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) mail servers are now supported.


* Miscellaneous updates for Email, Phone, and other applications.


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